Qualitative Test of Acid Content in Cosmetics and Food Ingredients Using FeCL3


  • Wita Oileri Tikirik Universitas Wallacea Mamuju
  • Fakhrurosi Fakhrurosi Universitas Wallacea Mamuju
  • Ibrahim Ibrahim Universitas Wallacea Mamuju
  • Mijra Mijra Universitas Wallacea Mamuju
  • Ade Erza Rahma Kartini Universitas Wallacea Mamuju
  • Hilma Yunika Universitas Wallacea Mamuju
  • Nesti Ayu Lestari Universitas Wallacea Mamuju


Acid, FeCl3, Qualitative Test, Organolpetics


This research aims to carry out qualitative tests on the acid content of four different samples, namely MBK Powder, Salicyl Powder, Citric Acid, and Soy Sauce, using  FeCl3 as a reagent. This method is used to identify the presence of certain acid compounds in these samples. The samples were tested by adding FeCl3 solution to the sample solution. Color changes that occur are observed and recorded. The observed reactions are considered indicators of the presence of certain acids in the sample. The results of the study showed that MBK powder, salicyl powder and soy sauce showed significant color changes after being reacted with  FeCl3. This color change indicates the presence of phenolic compounds, including salicylic acid in these samples. However, in the Citric Acid sample, there was no significant color change, indicating that citric acid does not react typically with FeCl3 in the context of this qualitative test. This research provides an important contribution in understanding the chemical content of various types of samples and shows that qualitative tests using  FeCl3  can be an effective method for detecting the presence of phenolic compounds in samples of MBK Powder, Salicyl Powder and Soy Sauce.


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How to Cite

Oileri Tikirik, W., Fakhrurosi, F., Ibrahim, I., Mijra, M., Erza Rahma Kartini, A., Yunika, H., & Ayu Lestari, N. (2023). Qualitative Test of Acid Content in Cosmetics and Food Ingredients Using FeCL3. Jurnal Teknologi Pangan Dan Industri Perkebunan (LIPIDA), 3(2), 28-32. https://doi.org/10.58466/lipida.v3i2.1464


