Design and Implementation of an Arduino-Based Line Follower Automatic Guided Vehicle (AGV) for Goods Transportation.
Performance Testing of AGV in a Simulated Industrial Environment
Robot Line Follower AGV, Arduino Uno, IR Sensor TCRT5000, Ultrasonic HC-SR04, Load Cell, TCS3200 Color Sensor.Abstract
In the era of digitalization 4.0, technology plays a crucial role in enhancing efficiency across various industrial sectors. This research proposes the design and development of a Robot Line Follower AGV for automated goods transportation. This robot utilizes an Arduino Uno microcontroller as the control center and is equipped with four primary sensors: IR TCRT5000, Ultrasonic HC-SR04, Load Cell, and TCS3200 Color Sensor. Output indicators, including a Buzzer and LED, provide operational feedback, while a DC motor is controlled by a PID algorithm to ensure accurate movement along the path. The development of this system is expected to improve the efficiency of goods transportation processes while fostering innovation in the industrial and creative economy sectors.
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