
  • Resti Aprianti Politeknik Negeri Ketapang
  • Nur Aida
  • M.Hanif Faisal Politeknik Negeri Ketapang


Carrying Capacity, Calendaring, WIKA Method, Hiley Method


The bridge on the Siduk-Ketapang road section is a provincial road whose development and supervision authority is under the West Kalimantan Provincial government which requires maintenance in order to function properly. The purpose of this study is to determine the capacity of the soil carrying capacity against piles (spun pile), the carrying capacity of the pile group, find out the comparison of soil carrying capacity to piles based on data from calendaring results between WIKA and Hiley methods. The research location is on Jalan Siduk-Ketapang, especially on the Siduk Bridge 3, Matan Hilir Utara District, Ketapang Regency, West Kalimantan. Calculation of the carrying capacity of the soil against piles using 2 methods, namely WIKA and Hiley. Based on these two methods, the largest value was obtained from the WIKA method at pile point 9, which was 191,625 tons and the largest value from the Hiley method at pile point 9, which was 170,334 tons. The results of the calculation of the carrying capacity of a single pile can be analyzed the carrying capacity of the pile group with a pile efficiency using the Los Angeles method of 0.8%, the results of the WIKA method of 2,146.2 tons were obtained, while in the Hiley method it was 1,907.7 tons.


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How to Cite

Aprianti, R., Aida, N., & Faisal, M. (2023). ANALISIS DAYA DUKUNG TANAH TERHADAP TIANG PANCANG BERDASARKAN DATA HASIL KALENDERING. Journal of Research and Inovation in Civil Engineering As Applied Science (RIGID), 2(1), 1-6.


