Healty Counseling For The Elderly "Healthy Lifestyle For The Elderly" In Parapat District, North Sumatra
practic health elderlyAbstract
Practicum activities are one of the mandatory courses that prospective social worker students in the USU FISIP Social Welfare Study Program must complete. Practicum activities are important because students implement the theories learned during lectures. This mini project activity was carried out in Parapat sub-district, North Sumatra. Humans who have entered the age of 60 years and over can be said to be elderly. Things that need to be considered when someone is considered an elderly person is their physical and mental health. Efforts that must be made are understanding health issues such as physiotherapy, psychotherapy and administering medication. The method used in implementing this mini project is using the Groupwork method through general intervention stages consisting of Engagement, Intake, Contract, Assessment, Planning, Intervention, Evaluation and Termination. The results of this mini project activity are that elderly people in Parapat sub-district already understand the importance of health for the elderly so that it can be applied in everyday life
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