Pelatihan Budidaya Sayuran secara Hidroponik dengan Metode Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) Di Sukaharja Ketapang
Hidroponics, FutureAgricultureAbstract
Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) activities were implemented in Sukaharja Village that collaboration with several family groups of the 1st Permata Dalong who had problems regarding the use of yard land. The aim of this PKM activities is to increase partners’ knowledge about intensifying the use of yard land which can be used as hydroponic vegetable land, increasing the yield and quality of cultivated vegetables and increasing partners' knowledge and skills about how to cultivate plants hydroponically. The methods used are problem observation, socialization and participation, namely the PKM team and partners are directly involved. The solutions provided are 1) knowledge about how to apply the SOP for hydroponic vegetable cultivation using the Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) method properly and appropriately, 2) counseling, training and assistance to partners in building hydroponic installations using the Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) method, seeding, planting, maintenance, harvesting, packaging and marketing techniques. The results of PKM activities are increasing partners' knowledge about hydroponic vegetable cultivation techniques using the Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) method, starting from assembling NFT hydroponic installations, seeding, providing nutrition, planting, harvesting, packaging and marketing. Our partners continuously produces hydroponic vegetables and has been marketing hydroponic vegetables in traditional markets in Ketapang Regency.
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