Penyuluhan Metode Ekstraksi Atsiri Daun Cengkih Dan Nilam Serta Pemanfaatannya Untuk Siswa SMK N 6 Kendal


  • Rohadi Rohadi Semarang University
  • Devy Angga Gunantar Semarang University


essential oil, extraction, clove leaves, vocation schools


The curriculum of the Department of Agricultural Product Processing
Technology (APPT) for the 6th State Vocational High School Kendal
Regency is designed to produce graduates who have competence in the field
of agricultural product processing agribusiness. However in the
curriculum there are no subjects on technology of essential spice extraction
and the like. In Kendal regency there area plantation of clove and other
spices such as red ginger, lemongrass and patchouli, so there is potential
for the development of an essential oil refining industry. The Kendal
Regency Government is currently developing essential industrial centers
in Sukorejo, Patean, Pageruyung and Plantungan Districts. Community
Service aims to provide counseling about the essential extraction methods
of clove and patchouli leaves and theirs use to students of SMK N 6
Kendal. The Community Service Team carried it out of Friday, November
5, 2022 at the APPT Department Laboratory, which was attended by 20
students and several supervisors. Counseling is carried out using the
dissemination methods and class discussion. The results of devotion
showed that students’ knowledge of spice processing technology,
extraction methods and utilization of essential oil increased. But the
counseling that has been carried out has not been effective in increasing
students’ knowledge regarding that topic.


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How to Cite

Rohadi, R., & Angga Gunantar, D. . (2022). Penyuluhan Metode Ekstraksi Atsiri Daun Cengkih Dan Nilam Serta Pemanfaatannya Untuk Siswa SMK N 6 Kendal. Literasi Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Dan Inovasi, 2(1), 467-473.


