Pemberian Suplemen Multivitamin Kepada Anak-Anak Di SDN 2 Kecamatan Padang Panjang Barat , Kota Padang Panjang, Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Stunting


  • Yahdian Rasyadi Universitas Baiturrahmah
  • Eka Desnita Universitas Baiturrahmah
  • Elisa Ayudia Universitas Baiturrahmah
  • Mutia Fatimah Azzahra Universitas Baiturrahmah
  • Mutia Defitri Khairunnisa Universitas Baiturrahmah
  • Dike Novella Universitas Baiturrahmah


prevention of stunting, provision of multivitamin supplements, the city of Padang Panjang


Lack of nutrition can cause stunting and cognitive development of children and reduce children's productivity at school. In the process of growth and development, nutrients and vitamins are needed. Adequacy of nutrients and vitamins can be met by consuming a variety of foods. If nutrition and vitamins are not met, it can be met by taking multivitamin supplements. In this community service, multivitamin supplements were given to children at SDN 2 West Padang Panjang, Padang Panjang City in July 2022 as an effort to reduce/prevent stunting in the city of Padang Panjang. This activity was attended by students of SDN 2 Padang Panjang Barat Grade 5 and Grade 6. The service team provided multivitamin supplements and provided education about the benefits of vitamins contained and how to consume vitamins to participants. After that the service team conducted a question and answer session to students in the class about the benefits of each vitamin


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How to Cite

Rasyadi, Y., Desnita, . E. ., Ayudia, E. ., Fatimah Azzahra, . M. ., Defitri Khairunnisa, M. ., & Novella, D. . (2022). Pemberian Suplemen Multivitamin Kepada Anak-Anak Di SDN 2 Kecamatan Padang Panjang Barat , Kota Padang Panjang, Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Stunting. Literasi Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Dan Inovasi, 2(2), 1624-1628.




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