Design and Construction of Digital Electronics Learning Modules to Improve Student Learning Efficiency
This research aims to develop learning methods at Pontianak State Polytechnic to improve
practicum efficiency and student understanding in digital electronics courses. The
research includes making learning modules in the form of trainers, antibounce switches,
system trials, and tool demonstrations. The developed module is equipped with a
guidebook and includes power blocks, inputs, outputs, circuits, as well as guidebooks with
logic, combinational, and sequential gate circuits. Data was collected through testing the
efficiency of the module by comparing the usage time of the module and IC with the
protoboard, as well as a survey to 3rd semester Electrical Engineering students using
Google Forms. Quantitative descriptive data analysis shows that assembly with the
module is faster than with manual IC. The module feasibility test results showed a
percentage of 88% on material, 89% on technical, 92% on feasibility, and 91% on
benefits, indicating that the module is very feasible to use as a companion to digital
electronics courses.
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