Database Implementation on Document Archiving in Neighborhood


  • Muhamad Fadly Almansyah College Student
  • Dwi Kurniawan Dwi Kurniawan Universitas Terbuka


archive digitalization, document database, digital archiving, neighborhood association, waterfall method, administrative transparency, document accountability, archive management


Digitalization is one of the most influential technological advancements today, including
in document or archive management. Physical archives are often vulnerable to damage and
challenging to access, making digitalization a solution to enhance accessibility, storage efficiency,
and archive protection. This study aims to implement a document database in the neighborhood
association environment (rukun tetangga) as an innovative step toward digital archiving. The
methodology used is the waterfall development model, which includes the stages of requirements
analysis, system design, database implementation, and performance evaluation. The results of the
study indicate that implementing a database for document archiving at the neighborhood
association level successfully improves the quality of administrative services, supports
transparency, and strengthens the accountability of local document management. This study
contributes a simple database that facilitates archive digitalization in neighborhood associations,
which can be further developed for broader applications in the future.


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How to Cite

Almansyah, M. F., & Safar, S. (2025). Database Implementation on Document Archiving in Neighborhood. Applied Information Technology and Computer Science (AICOMS), 3(2), 6-10.


