Applied Information Technology and Computer Science (AICOMS) 2025-02-09T11:36:30+00:00 Darmanto, M.Kom Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Applied Information Technology and Computer Science</strong> (<strong>AICOMS</strong>) is an online version of national journal in Bahasa Indonesia and English, published by Department of Informatics Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Ketapang. AICOMS also has a print version. AICOMS also invites academics and researchers in the field of information technology, particularly from informatics engineering and information systems research to submit their articles. The articles to be published is an original work and has never been published. Incoming articles will be reviewed by a team of reviewers from internal and external sources.</p> Sentiment Analysis of Overclaim in Skintific Skincare Using BERT Algorithm 2024-12-22T06:38:34+00:00 Kharlina Hingis Umi Karolina Risky Pribadi <p style="text-align: justify;">This year, the use of Skintific skincare products has experienced a significant surge in sales percentages. Based on observations in the beauty and cosmetics market, Skintific has recorded revenues reaching billions to trillions of rupiahs annually. This indicates that business opportunities in the beauty industry are highly promising, especially in recent years. However, intense competition in the beauty industry has given rise to numerous new cosmetic brands that often promote their products excessively, a practice known as overclaim. This behavior is often carried out unconsciously, yet it misleads targeted consumers and constitutes fraudulent practices. In this study, the author conducted a scraping process of customer reviews on Skintific cosmetics from Instagram, one of the popular social media platforms. The approach used was a Deep Learning method with the BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) algorithm. The research analyzed 1,000 customer reviews from the official Instagram account of Skintific. The findings reveal that the phenomenon of overclaim in Skintific products was only 0.0015% of the total reviews, which is starkly lower compared to other cosmetic products in the beauty industry</p> 2025-01-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Applied Information Technology and Computer Science (AICOMS) Database Implementation on Document Archiving in Neighborhood 2023-12-12T11:00:03+00:00 Muhamad Fadly Almansyah Dwi Kurniawan Dwi Kurniawan <p>Digitalization is one of the most influential technological advancements today, including <br />in document or archive management. Physical archives are often vulnerable to damage and <br />challenging to access, making digitalization a solution to enhance accessibility, storage efficiency, <br />and archive protection. This study aims to implement a document database in the neighborhood <br />association environment (rukun tetangga) as an innovative step toward digital archiving. The <br />methodology used is the waterfall development model, which includes the stages of requirements <br />analysis, system design, database implementation, and performance evaluation. The results of the <br />study indicate that implementing a database for document archiving at the neighborhood <br />association level successfully improves the quality of administrative services, supports <br />transparency, and strengthens the accountability of local document management. This study <br />contributes a simple database that facilitates archive digitalization in neighborhood associations, <br />which can be further developed for broader applications in the future.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Applied Information Technology and Computer Science (AICOMS) Analysis of MSME Digital Readiness in Trenggalek: A Perspective from Digital Marketing Strategies 2025-02-09T11:36:30+00:00 Wiji Nurastuti Ahmad Sumiyanto Netci Hesvindrati <p>This study aims to analyze the readiness of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in Trenggalek to adopt digital marketing strategies as part of their digital transformation. A quantitative approach was used, with data collected through questionnaires distributed to 44 respondents. The analyzed indicators include experience, satisfaction, interactivity, and knowledge, as well as supporting and inhibiting factors in the digital transformation process. The results indicate that MSME in Trenggalek have a relatively high level of readiness to adopt digital marketing strategies. Respondents provided positive assessments of their digital interaction experience and their ability to understand digital marketing strategies. However, the main challenges faced include limitations in technological infrastructure, access to funding, and technical skills. This study provides strategic insights to encourage the adoption of digital transformation among MSME through strengthening the digital ecosystem, improving human resource skills, and expanding technological support.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Applied Information Technology and Computer Science (AICOMS) Implementation of the Digital Customs and Excise Administration System at KPPBC TMP C Ketapang 2025-02-04T07:01:04+00:00 Ferdi Maulana Refid Ruhibnur Darmanto Darmanto <p style="text-align: justify;">This study aims to implement the Digital Customs and Excise Administration System at the Customs Counseling, Service, and Consultation Office (KPPBC) TMP C Ketapang to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of administrative services. The system development method used is Agile Software Development with a Scrum model approach, enabling rapid iterations and adaptations based on user needs. The system is designed through four main stages: system architecture design, data flow modeling using Unified Modeling Language (UML), database design, and user interface design. The research findings indicate that the system generates various digital forms, such as login forms, staff data entry forms, letter submission forms, and document tracking forms, facilitating structured data management and document tracking. The implementation of this system has successfully improved administrative efficiency, reduced manual errors, and simplified access for service users. The conclusion of this study is that a web-based digital administration system can be an effective solution for digitizing customs services, with recommendations for further development to align with technological advancements and user requirements.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Applied Information Technology and Computer Science (AICOMS)